Friday, August 14, 2009

What is is a social networking site founded in 2004. Tagged is the subject of numerous customer complaints for sending deceptive bulk mail and is regarded as a phishing and spamming site and an "E-mail scam" by consumer anti-fraud advocates. It is headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States.A TIME magazine article called Tagged "The World's Most Annoying Website". Tagged asks users for their email username and password, checks their email address books for contacts and repeatedly sends email invitations to people who are not yet on Tagged, stating that they have been "added as a friend" or that the inviter had sent them photos on Tagged. This process has drawn criticism in the technology press and from users. These emails were discussed as possible spam by Black Web 2.0. The resemblance to a virus has often been mentioned, including by urban legend site The New York Times referred to the practice as "contact scraping"

My advice is don't sign up to it. Basically you sign up, enter your email and it grabs a list of email addresses of your friends in your contact list, you click next and it sends an email to every single one of those people telling them to sign up to Just like what happened to you. The best thing to do would just stick to myspace and not bug your friends with loads of emails trying to get them to sign up. Block the domain for tagged as junk mail and it won't bother you any more. I think it does actually just automatically email you and harass you to join rather than your friends emailing you and asking you.

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